Greetings, let us introduce ourselves.
We’re Lou & Debbie Gigliotti and we would like to share our story with you.
We used to own a franchise, a Women’s Only 30-minute workout fitness club, (and that’s a whole story all by itself). We bought a franchise because we wanted 3 things…
To work together
To help people
To make enough money to enjoy life
Well 2 out of 3 ain’t bad…
The big problem was that even though everyone knows that exercise helps keep us healthy, People are lazy! Can you believe it!
Here is an example of what we had to deal with and why we say Exercise Doesn’t Work.
This is the story of just one of the women who came to our club. I’ll call her Betty. Betty was in her early 60’s and was not very healthy, to be kind. Whenever a woman would come in to join our fitness club, we always sat down and went over their health history. I found out that Betty was taking 17 different medications! I told her that I am not going to give you health advice, but if you were my mother, I would tell you that if you keep taking that many drugs, you are going to die! She asked me what she could do? First I told Betty not to stop taking anything, but to go in and get her doctor’s to work with her and help her to get off the habit, which she decided was a good idea. Betty did join. Over the next year and a half, Betty had lost a lot of weight and more importantly, She was down to only 4 drugs! You would think this is a great success for anyone right?
Now the rest of the story, and you know what’s coming right? Betty decided she didn’t need to exercise any longer, and she quit!
Now you see why we say “Exercise Doesn’t Work”
Please understand something. We are not saying that you don’t need exercise, but we’ve found that Americans are always looking for the easy way out; “can’t I just take a pill or some thing?” We wondered the same thing ourselves, is there something out there that can help us loose weight and keep if off? We started looking for new ways for people to feel healthier and look better too.
Lets go on this journey together. Are you ready to start on a new path? We will be reviewing different things and products you can use to create the “you” that you’ve always wanted.
Lou & Debbie Gigliotti
919 - 623 - 6786
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