This is a long post but I hope you take the time to read it.
I grew up in one of the states that had a high exposure rate!
Just yesterday, I heard about the government has just got caught paying out very large setelments to parents who have children with austism.
Please do your own reasearch on the dangers that have been associated with vaccines.
All the best,
Lou & Debbie
Chilling News about a Vaccine You Almost Certainly had as a Child…
Does It Have a Secret Cancer Connection?
What does a 12-year-old have in common with a 70-year-old?
Potential exposure to a virus that turns normal cells into cancerous ones...
Certain evidence points to a strong link between a vaccine you had as a child, and cancer… and the infection mysteriously extends to your children and grandchildren.
Mass vaccination campaigns of the 1950s and 1960s are now suspected in thousands of deaths per year via a cancer-causing virus contained in the early polio vaccines. But this doesn't mean you'll get cancer for sure. Keep reading and I'll explain. .
Researchers discovered this deadly vaccine tragedy in 1994 — when Dr. Michele Carbone found the SV40 virus in 60% of lung cancers (mesotheliomas) studied, 33% of osteosarcoma bone cancers, 40% of other bone cancers…
This is no monkey business!
Known as SV40, this virus came from dead monkeys whose kidney cells were used to culture polio vaccines. Over 98 million people in the U.S., plus more in other countries, were exposed to the contaminated vaccine.
And it appears there's a link to you, even if YOU were not vaccinated.
It turned out to be: medical marvel with a deadly glitch
Polio virus has been around forever — yet paralysis-causing epidemics have only existed since the late 1800s. In fact, 95% of polio cases occur without symptoms. Most victims just get a mild fever. But in a tiny fraction of 1% of victims, it penetrated the blood-brain barrier to cause paralysis or death… which naturally aroused much fear.
At the height of the polio epidemic in the early 1950s, the first polio vaccines were cultured in monkey tissue. The vaccine was rushed to market and made mandatory because of government panic and public hysteria about the disease.
From the beginning there were cries of "foul", accusations of poor manufacturing controls, and questionable efficacy.1
Then in the late '50s the monkey tissue was found to be contaminated with a virus that could be linked to cancer and other serious diseases… after it was too late and millions had received it.
Bernice Eddy, PhD, National Institutes of Health (NIH), discovered that a staggeringly high 70% of hamsters injected with kidney cell cultures containing SV virus died without apparent cause. She later discovered that tumors could be passed easily from one animal to another over a long time period while remaining cancerous.2
It was dubbed SV40 -- the fortieth simian virus found in monkeys' kidney cells.
"The Great Polio Vaccine Cover-Up"…
Eddy went public with this news — which enraged her boss at the NIH to no small degree. He tried everything he could to marginalize and discredit her — viewing her discovery as a direct threat to his career and a public health policy he staunchly supported.3
In June 1961, a letter from a colleague to the surgeon general detailed how Eddy's work was muzzled and repressed.4
Meanwhile by 1960, the Salk vaccine had been administered by injection to half the American public.
But there was a rival vaccine — the oral vaccine developed by Sabin. By mid-1960, sixty million Russians had received Sabin's oral vaccine (OPV) in field trials. It was pronounced a resounding success.
A group of Merck scientists led by Dr. Maurice Hilleman eventually proved both the Salk and Sabin forms were contaminated with SV40.
But the government purposefully kept this under wraps, warning neither doctors nor the public… while the vaccines continued to be given for years.
Eventually word leaked out… on July 25, 1961 the New York Times ran a story on page 26, quoting directly from the government's official press release.5
One news outlet opted against silence… On August 6th, 1961 the National Enquirer carried the year's most complete SV40 story, in an article entitled, "The Great Polio Vaccine Cancer Cover-Up…" running three pages long. Despite its tabloid status, the article contained amazing scientific quotes and an accurate recounting of Eddy's hamster experiments.6
The SV40 was so virulent, it became a popular tool of cancer researchers awed by its ability to transform healthy animal cells into tumor cells in test tubes. This tiny but mighty life form could completely disrupt cells, cause them to lose control of themselves, and to reproduce wildly.
Finally in 1994 Dr. Michele Carbone autopsied dead research animals to make a shocking discovery… SV40 was linked tothe rare malignant mesothelioma — as well as to brain cancer and osteosarcoma (bone cancer).
Carbone's research found that SV40 causes mesothelial cells to become malignant 1,000 times faster than fibroblasts.7
Between 1997 and 2003, 25 new published studies showed presence of SV40 in mesotheliomas… 16 others found SV40 in brain, bone, and other cancers.8
In fact, one study showed the presence of SV40 infections in children born after 1982 — decades after the polio vaccine was supposedly cleaned up9,10. Why SV40 is apparently still spreading is a mystery.
SHOCKING revelations from a vaccine maker…
Initially, no one could fathom how SV40 was transmitted to humans.
That is… until Dr. Maurice Hilleman — head of Merck's vaccine program, developer of more than 36 vaccines, and recipient of a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization — made shocking revelations before he died about Merck's responsibility in unleashing the SV40, as well as the AIDS virus.11
He also testified that the government kept SV40 contamination a secret to avoid public hysteria.
What we NOW know about SV40…
Disturbing new insights:
Documents now conclusively prove that SV40 was never removed from the vaccine stocks after 1963… SV40 tainted seeds were never thrown away — they were used in OPV (oral polio vaccine) for millions of children for nearly four decades12.
SV40 appears in 61% of all new cancer patients — including patients too young to have received the vaccine 40 years ago!13
Nearly 70% of mesothelioma cases test positive for SV40.
SV40 was found in 23% of blood samples and 45% of semen of normal individuals.14
SV40 can be transmitted sexually and through blood transfusions.15
Ten percent of those never exposed directly to tainted vaccines test SV40-positive.
Lancet published clear evidence that tainted polio vaccine is responsible for nearly half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases per year.16
People from states receiving high-SV40 OPV now get osteosarcoma tumors at ten times the rate of those with SV40-free lot numbers.17
Are YOU from a high-exposure state?
Where did you spend your 1950s and 60s? Per NIH, these states had high SV40 vaccine exposure18:
Washington DC
New York
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
Low exposure states:
New Mexico
North Dakota
West Virginia
Remaining states are theoretically SV40-free. But, cancer rates are also high in the United Kingdom and Italy, all of which had huge mass vaccination programs.
Scientific integrity or government cover-up?
Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist here — but consider…
When research went public in 1999, NCI declared there's "no evidence of human cancer linked to SV40". But other researchers contend that SV40 had already shown up in a wide variety of tumors — the highest rates in those receiving tainted OPV. Maybe that's not proof it's the cause but it certainly qualifies as a statistical "link"! And, in the science of identifying causes of cancer, correlations like this have long been considered evidence of probable cause.
The government and NIH have denied requests for grants to study SV40. Why?
Government denies a cancer link because of "those who are too young to have received the vaccine in the 1950s" — ignoring the potential of transmission via "shedding" (passing the virus to non-vaccinated people)… something the vaccine was specifically designed to do!
According to NIH, "the NCI is continuing to evaluate the possible link between SV40 infection and human cancers."19
But some in the scientific community question whether this "continuing evaluation" is being performed with total scientific integrity.
One article by an attorney, published in a peer reviewed scientific journal, accuses NCI of deliberately compromising a study that would have shown a link between SV40 and mesothelioma.20
Despite the government's foot dragging...
SV40 is one of the most widely studied viruses in all of microbiology
For forty years, SV40 has been widely studied and well understood. Over 3,400 scientific articles name SV40 in the title… over 15,000 articles mention SV40.
SV40 was routinely used to create human cancers in the lab, to test cancer therapies.21
Moreover, it is now known how this virus causes cancer on a molecular level. SV40 oncogenesis is mediated by the viral large tumor antigen (T-ag) — which inactivates the tumor suppressor proteins p53 and pRb.22
Experts in SV40 research finally announced SV40 is a class 2A human carcinogen.23
Good news: Not EVERYONE
who received SV40 will get cancer...
There is hope. Nearly every Baby Boomer received these vaccines forty or fifty years ago, and sadly, we can't turn back the clock for a do-over.
However, even Carbone, a leading SV40 expert, says, "… you need many different carcinogens, because different carcinogens do different things. Cancer is a multifactorial process."
No one factor can create cancer all by itself. Instead, your cells require numerous "hits" (insults) from various carcinogens.
But Carbone does consider SV40 one of the most potent human carcinogens.
He also goes on to state that cellular changes in your body (unlike a test tube) are influenced by the status of your immune system. A healthy immune system generally seeks and destroys invading viruses.
So, mitigate your personal risk by engaging in strategies known to enhance your immune system, such as:
Eating a mostly raw, organic, high-enzyme diet rich in vegetables… free of sugar, artificial sweeteners, and carbs.
Reduce calories, lose weight, exercise daily…
Control stress.
Give thanks for your daily blessings.
Detoxify yourself, your home, yard, and life as much as possible…
It does appear there's damaging evidence about polio vaccines, but we may never be 100% sure.
All the same, what's done is done. Move forward confidently with strategies known to reduce your risk. And at the same time, be wary and don't repeat the mistakes of the past.
Kindest regards,
Lee Euler,
1 Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 163 No. 2, Jan. 12, 1957.
2 Bookchin, Debbie & Schumacher, Jim, The Virus and the Vaccine. St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 2004. p. 61-62.
3 Bookchin, Debbie & Schumacher, Jim, The Virus and the Vaccine. St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 2004. p. 65-66.
4 Bookchin, Debbie & Schumacher, Jim, The Virus and the Vaccine. St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 2004. p. 82-83.
5 Bookchin, Debbie & Schumacher, Jim, The Virus and the Vaccine. St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 2004. p. 103-104.
6 Bookchin, Debbie & Schumacher, Jim, The Virus and the Vaccine. St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 2004. p. 104.
7 Bookchin, Debbie & Schumacher, Jim, The Virus and the Vaccine. St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 2004. p. 207.
8 Bookchin, Debbie & Schumacher, Jim, The Virus and the Vaccine. St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 2004. p. 215.
9 Butel JS, et al., Molecular Evidence of simian virus 40 infections in children. J Infect Dis. 1999 Sep; 180(3):884-7.
10 Bookchin, Debbie & Schumacher, Jim, The Virus and the Vaccine. St. Martin's Press, New York, NY, 2004. p. 185.
13 Fuentes, Geraldo, SV40: A Deadly Cure?
14 Fuentes, Geraldo, SV40: A Deadly Cure?
15 Fuentes, Geraldo, SV40: A Deadly Cure?
16 Comment in: Lancet. 2002 Mar 9;359(9309):812-3, Lancet. 2003 Jan 4;361(9351):88-9, Lancet. 2002 Jun 29;359(9325):2281.
17 Fuentes, Geraldo, SV40: A Deadly Cure?
18 National Institutes of Health, 1950's Contaminated Polio Vaccines — A Deadly Cure By Geraldo Fuentes 9-16-00
19 National Cancer Institute, Simian Virus 40 and Human Cancer (2003) athttp://cancerweb.ncl, (last visited May 15, 2003).
20 Donald S. MacLachlan, SV40 in Human Tumors: New Documents Shed Light on the Apparent Controversy, 22 Anticancer Res. 3495, 3495-99 (2002).
21 E. Fanning, Introduction to Simian Virus 40: Getting by with More than a Little Help from its Host Cell, in Simian Virus 40 (SV40): A Possible Human Polyomavirus, supra note 28, at 3-8.
22 Butel JS, Vilchez RA, Jorgensen JL, Kozinetz CA. Association between SV40 and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 2003;44 Suppl 3:S33-9.
23 Gazdar AF, Butel JS, Carbone M., SV40 and Human Tumours: Myth, Association or Causality?, 2 Nat. Rev. Cancer 957, 957-64 (2002).